1. Serves as an Expert Clinician throughout the medical center. Standards: * Develops and assists in the implementation of patient care standards and protocols to meet the needs of our patient population. * Assists and provides direction to nursing staff with clinical decision-making and priority setting. * Models excellence in nursing practice through the utilization of advanced concepts in the areas of assessment diagnosis planning implementation and evaluation of perceived actual or potential problems that occur in a variety of patient populations. * Functions as a facilitator and innovator for state-of-the-art nursing care with direct involvement in implementing and evaluating new techniques and equipment for safety cost-effectiveness and benefits related to nursing practice. * Participates in nursing and interdisciplinary committees which impact care of patients. 2. Collaborates and participates in the development of Nursing Orientation Education Programs (Inservice and Continuing Education) and American Red Cross Programs. 3. Develops Nursing Orientation Programs to meet the needs of orientees in familiarizing new employees with their role within the Medical Center. Standards: * Participates in core and unit-based nursing orientation programs that are flexible relevant and competency based as requested. * Presents orientation classes in collaboration with other educators. * Develops and implements flexible relevant competency-based orientation programs that focus on the individual learner. * Mentors staff nurses graduate students and others to acquire new knowledge and skills and develop their career. * Evaluates effectiveness of didactic and clinical orientation and recommends improvements. * Promotes effective communication between Education Dept and Patient Care Director re: orientee progress. * Supports Preceptors in their role and in their ongoing development as preceptor. * Assists preceptors and orientees in creating an individualized orientation plan. * Facilitates the completion of orientation activities documentation as appropriate. * Maintains orientation records for easy retrieval. * Evaluates and revises the orientation program in response to feedback from orientees preceptors Directors QI monitors and current literature/research. 4. Develops Education Programs (Inservice and Continuing Education) that provide staff with opportunities to maintain and update their skills and knowledge. Standards: * Continuously assesses the learning needs of staff using various methodologies. * Plan education activities to address the identified learning needs. * Collaborates with other nursing staff education department members clinical leadership and unit teachers to develop and implement education programs. * Utilizes adult learning principles in all phases of program development and implementation * Participates in the development and implementation of annual education plans for each department. * Participates in the establishment of processes for measuring the effectiveness of continuing education activities. * Collaborates with other clinical departments in offering continuing education programs. * Collects and analyzes program evaluation data and recommends changes as appropriate * Maintains education program records for easy retrieval. 5. Provide American Red Cross Programs that provide staff with opportunities to maintain and update their skills and knowledge. Standards: * Participates in the development and implementation of ARC Programs for the Medical Center. * Participates as Training Center Faculty within the discipline taught (Basic Life Support Advanced Cardiac Life Support and/or Pediatric Advanced Life Support. * Ensures the most current edition of ARC course materials including course textbook and learning algorithms are utilized and available for staff * Ensures required equipment is clean in proper working order and good repair; and present for each course offered. * Completes course records including course rosters and summary of course evaluations. * Maintains education program records for easy retrieval. 6. Serves as a Clinical Resource and Consultant to clinical leadership and nursing staff and interdisciplinary colleagues to optimize clinical outcomes Standards: * Serves as a resource to nurses and other members of the health care team in identifying problems utilize available resources and selecting best practice for optimal outcomes. * Leads and participates in patient unit department and system quality improvement initiatives. * Collaborates with nursing staff and other members of the health care team to problem solve complex clinical situations for needs of patients. * Performs documentation audits and summarizes findings for the purpose of process improvement. 7. Integrates relevant research literature and outcomes into nursing professional development and clinical practice through effective learning activities. Standards: * Analyzes research findings and other evidence for their potential application to clinical practice. * Utilizes evidence-based research to guide policy and practice development. * Expands the scientific base of nursing practice by conducting and facilitating nursing research. * Evaluates the need for improvement or redesign of care delivery processes to improve safety efficiency reliability and quality. * Fosters the use of systematic evaluative research and disseminates research findings through presentations and integration into patient care standards. 8. Collaborates with Patient Care Directors in providing timely and reliable feedback to staff on performance Standards: * Contributes to and/or performs performance evaluations or remedial education related to nursing practice concerns in collaboration with Patient Care Director. * Designs programs to improve clinical and system level processes and outcomes. * Manages special projects across the institution in response to initiatives. * Facilitates the adaptation of practice change. * Fosters professional accountability in others. 9. Works to achieve overall mission and goals of Morton Hospital Standards: * Collaborates with all members of the education department in an ongoing manner regarding department mission project planning educational offerings and activities. * Accepts responsibility for establishing and maintaining a healthy interpersonal relationship with every member of the organization. * Accepts responsibility for establishing and maintaining a healthy interpersonal relationship with every member of the education department. * Consistently demonstrates the core values of the medical center. * Participates in the development implementation and evaluation of the goals and standards for nursing department and hospital wide initiatives * Promotes a good image of the Nursing Education Department and Morton Hospital through creating a friendly caring environment for patients families visitors physicians and coworkers. 10. Work with corporate Education Enterprise to ensure Steward University assignments are in line with requirements. 11. Assist in developing monthly education calendar. 12. Oversee compliance with unit-based competencies and certifications Management of Time and Resources: * Completes work assignments within an acceptable time frame. * Uses time and resources to the best possible advantage for successful completion of job responsibilities. * Assists Educators Staff Developers Volunteers and Administrative Assistant to organize their work load and establish appropriate delegation practices to optimize time and realize departmental and organizational timeline and goals. * Develops and maintains efficient working relationships. * Is reliable in respect to attendance. * Is reliable in respect to punctuality. * Recognizes the importance of team efforts and partners with others to achieve positive outcomes. * Organizes and participates in regional Staff Development Conferences and meetings to obtain ideas and share creative solutions to the department and organization. Quality: * Is part of a team effort to ensure quality services. * Offers creative solutions or alternatives to issues or concerns. * Produces quality results. * Continually strives to improve the quality of work. * Accepts responsibility for all work performed and takes appropriate corrective action as needed. Infection Control: * Develop and implement infection control policies and procedures. * Train staff on proper infection control techniques and protocols. * Monitor and report on the incidence and trends of infections. * Collaborate with other healthcare professionals to develop and implement infection control programs. * Ability to navigate State Infection Control reporting sites. |